Scientific Big Data
ISSN 2604-6083

Clinimetric characterization of institutionalized older adults with clinical suspicion of sarcopenia

Cardero-Durán, MA

Sarcopenia is a musculoskeletal disease characterized by loss of strength and muscle mass, being associated with aging as a predictor of adverse effects such as falls and frailty. Since the initial definition of the disease, its diagnosis has been evolving, with increasing impact on clinical and physical performance variables [+]

Efficacy of high intensity exercise in people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review

Fernández Lorenzo, Luciano

Chronic low back pain causes disability and socioeconomic impact. High-intensity exercise shows positive results in other diseases, but there is no evidence on this pathology. The aim is to determine its efficacy on health-related quality of life, disability, pain intensity and adherence to treatment in people with chronic low back pain [+]

Biomechanical Relationship between Trunk Flexion and Mouth Opening in a Healthy Population

Menés Fernández, Laura

It is suggested that stretching of the masticatory muscles may contribute to increased flexibility of the hamstring muscles, leading to greater trunk flexion, and vice versa. The functional relationship between the masticatory and hamstring muscles has been studied, and while it is acknowledged in clinical practice, it lacks a solid scientific foundation [+]

Sarcomas, rare and aggressive tumors Red Flags in the differential diagnosis of sarcoma

Gracia, Isidre

Sarcomas are malignant tumors of the mesenchymal tissue; their rapid recognition and diagnosis allow us to improve the results of their treatment in terms of efficiency and survival. We also evaluate the improvement in functional results in the last decade and an analysis of the experience reported by patients is carried out [+]

Analyzing waters: measuring the basic parameters of water

Cárceles-Guerrero, Ramón

To measure the basic parameters of water we have several systems. Some work by adding drops of reagent on a sample and the others are strips of paper that we introduce into the sample a few seconds. In the case of the first ones, the water will change color and we will contrast it with a table that contains a palette of colors with their corresponding results [+]

Ponds. Algae control

Cárceles-Guerrero, Ramón

It may be the case that, having taken all the precautions, one day the water in your pond begins to take on a brownish or greenish tone that with the days, intensifies to the point that it is impossible to appreciate anything below the five centimeters deep [+]
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